The Paschal Football Club is a 501(c)3 organization established to support the R.L. Paschal High School Football Program and its student-athletes.  The Club is dedicated to empowering Paschal student-athletes and staff by providing an atmosphere where our student-athletes are supported, challenged, and driven to excel both on and off the field.  As the primary fundraising organization for the Paschal Football Program, The Club strives to promote a positive and transformative football experience that shapes the character our student-athletes, while building a positive experience for fans and achieving athletic alignment throughout all levels of the Paschal High School Pyramid.

All membership donations fund the mission of Paschal Football Club. The club provides financial and personal support to Paschal football players, coaches and the community, including:

•   Game Day Breakfast for All Players with Invited Guest Speakers 

•  Communications & Marketing of the Paschal Football Program & Players

•  Paschal Football Instagram/Facebook Page

•   Photography Services Coordination

•   School and Field Signage 

•   End of Year Football Banquet Coordination

•   Paschal Football Team Posters & Player Yard Signs

•   Equipment or other Special Projects Determined with Input from Coaching Staff



Chairman - Reid Goetz

Vice Chairman - Stephen Draper

Treasurer - Jeff McInnis

Game Day Speakers/Breakfasts - Chad Avery

Communications Chair - Whitney Tevis